Blinds marked Z90 are the most popular and most requested type for family houses and apartments.
There are several types of front window blinds on the market. One of the popular models is undoubtedly C80 blinds.
Have you ever thought about outdoor blinds? They undoubtedly have a number of advantages and are a modern element of every new house or company building. If you are waiting with your choice of outdoor blinds, read the following advantages and check their excellent functional as well as aesthetic properties.
If the advantages of outdoor blinds have convinced you to buy them, you will surely wonder whether the existing facade can be damaged in the process of installation. First of all, it should be emphasized that attaching outdoor blinds is not a simple matter, so it is better to leave their installation to professionals. It also depends whether you are in the construction phase of the house or the house is already built and has a finished facade.
With the house under construction we install outdoor blinds using a concelaled design. We place the box where outdoor blinds are stored directly in the facade above the window, the guide rails are in the slats, so you can´t see them when the window is open. We install outdoor blinds on an already finished facade ina similar way. We attach the guide rails to the finished facade or to the window frame using the guide rail holders. We will place the cover plate, which has the task of hiding the outdoor blinds, in the facade above the window.
Do you need advice on outdoor blinds? Write to us.